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vineri, 8 iulie 2011

The Hardest Word...

Doamne ce dimineata... Ma pregatesc sa merg la Iasi, e o racoare ciudata afara. Deci my day question? Let's see :

What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And I wake to find that you're not there?

Da, intr'adevar. Sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Si ce te faci atunci cand totul ia o intorsatura ciudata? Suntem animale cu instinct. Si animalele vor sa traiasca si merg unde le e mai bine. Eu stiu unde imi era bine. Tu stii? Daca nu, iti spun eu! DA! ... langa ... ! I HAVE A FLASHBACK !! What I got to do... ?

So, Enjoy

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